LBC Kids Sundays

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when is is old he will not depart from it.  – Proverbs 22:6

LBC offers care and programs for children ages birth – 5th grade during our Sunday morning services*.

LBC Little Bitty Lights (Nursery)  is for infants and children through age 3 years. In the nursery, your child will enjoy an inviting and cheerful environment with workers who have gone through background checks and Keep Kid’s Safe training. The nursery is located at the front of our main building, you will see the check-in desk as you come through the double doors.  Children enjoy a time of worship, a short lesson, craft, and play time.
Please contact Jenny Parrish with any questions, or if you are interested in serving in our Nursery Ministry.

LBC Little Lights (Children’s Church) meets in the gym and is for children ages 4 years through 5th grade. In Children’s Church, your child will experience a fun and interactive service that prepares them for “big” church when they are older. Each Sunday Children’s Church starts off with a time of Praise & Worship in “big” church with the congregation. Children are dismissed during fellowship time. (Please check your child in at the counter in the café either before service begins or at the time of dismissal). Children are then escorted to the gym for a Bible lesson and a craft/game time.
Please see Justin or Carla Bittle with any questions, or if you are interested in volunteering within our Children’s Church Ministry.

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